This year's edition of Wunder der Prärie is devoted to the concept of Care. Inspired by the oeuvre of artist Mierle Laderman Ukeles and her seminal “Manifesto for Maintenance Art”, written in 1969, we invited artists from the world over to reflect on and create work in the spirit of sustainability, care and gender equality. The opening adress will be given by Mierle Laderman Ukeles followed by more than twenty performances and events in the city of Mannheim over the course of ten days. “Wunder der Prärie - Care City” seeks to contribute to the valuing of professional and domestic care-work as well as to highlight the many political fights for gender equality, sustainability and ecological awareness all across the world.
In an open call, the festival invited five artists from Indonesia, Lithuania, Scotland and Germany to create artistic responses to Laderman Ukeles’ manifesto and to realize them within their immediate working and living environment. A live art showcase will present premieres and guest performances by artists Nina Gühlstorff (D), Olivia Hyunsin Kim (D), Krõõt Juraak & Alex Bailey (A), Amanda Piña (CHILE/A), Oblivia (FIN), Wolfgang Sautermeister (A/D), Antje Velsinger (D) and David Weber-Krebs (B) as well as a pop-up-academy, talks and exhibitions - all set in an organically growing architecture designed by Bureau Baubotanik.
Already in July and August 2021, three discussion and meeting events under the title CARE CITY CENTER will take place, in cooperation with the collective Matriarchale Volksküche, the city of Mannheim and Heinrich Böll Stiftung Baden-Württemberg.
Cooperating Partners: Sophiensaele Berlin, Staatstheater Karlsruhe, PETA Theatre Manila, Heinrich Böll Stiftung Baden-Württemberg, Stadtraumservice Mannheim, Strategische Steuerung Stadt Mannheim. Made possible through the generous support by Kulturstiftung des Bundes, Kulturamt Mannheim, Baden-Württemberg-Stiftung, Allianz Kulturstiftung and others.