Ticket informations
PLEASE book also tickets for the free Late Night events and the city game "The Mannheim Games Tour" (limited number of participants).
PLEASE book your tickets online on the festival homepage to receive a confirmation e-mail.
You can buy and pick up your tickets at the festival centre (zeitraumexit) from Monday 16th september between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. and / or one hour before the start of the event you have booked at the box office at the respective performance locations.
BOOKING BY PHONE: +49 (0621) - 3709831
ONLINE-BOOKING: http://www.wunderderpraerie.de/en/programm/2013
At the respective performance locations, one hour before the start of the event.
Usual: 13 € (6,50 € reduced)
There are reduced rates for students, unemployed persons and members of zeitraumexit.
FREE ENTRANCE: Festival opening, exhibition Stefan Römer, Late Night Programme, audio installation "Soziale Bausätze", performance "Hourglass", discussion forum "Radikaldialog" plus all performances and activities in Mannheim city.
Please use the ticket reservation options especially for the Late Night events and the city game "The Mannheim Games Tour"!
The festival centre is located in the Hafenstraße 68, 68159 Mannheim (in the offices of zeitraumexit).
In the canteen you will find the audio installation "Soziale Bausätze", in the kiosk the performance "Hourglass". The other performances are going to be presented in the cube. The Kaprow Bar is open daily from 4 p.m.
KLUB-KÜCHE: Peter Derks, Silke Müller and Mira Bussemer are cooking and serving in the canteen daily from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.