Di., 05. Okt / 20 Uhr / zeitraumexit
In englischer + deutscher Sprache
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The truth is that we do not own this world. She equally belongs to the billion life-forms that coexist with us on planet earth, in our cities and our homes. What a gigantic residential living community we have! So, interestingly enough, that until now we set the rules alone. This may change in a future where environments, plants and animals will have a say.
Cohabitation acknowledges that we have to find a basic agreement on what we need and what we are allowed to do – with everything and everyone on board! In a conversation with choreographers Krööt Jurak and Alex Bailey of “Performances for Pets“ we will discuss forms of cohabitation between humans and animals as much as the ownership and rights for nature.
Mit: Krõõt Juurak, Alex Bailey, Alexandra Kriegel, Ilka Sobotke
Moderation: Frank Degler
Foto: © Erich Malter