
Performance Installation
Fri 18. Sep / 22 h / zeitraumexit

Admission free
Waiting list on the spot

Sat 19. Sep / 1418 h / zeitraumexit15 min / 5 € (3 €)
Sun 20. Sep / 1418 h / zeitraumexit15 min / 5 € (3 €)
Mon 21. Sep / 1518 h / zeitraumexit15 min / 5 € (3 €)
Wed 23. Sep / 1720 h / zeitraumexit15 min / 5 € (3 €)
Fri 25. Sep / 1518 h / zeitraumexit15 min / 5 € (3 €)

At the end of the stairs, behind the glowing passage, there is a gate to a fantastic space station. In it: remains of a seventy-five-year long research history. Heaped up in scripts over scripts – a series of tests documenting the attempts to communicate with a strange, extraterrestrial entity and its failure. The crew seems to be running experiments behind the walls. Every now and then appear animal-like shapes and simulations. Like on the planet “Solaris” in Stanislaw Lem’s novel of the same title, in this performative installation we experience a secret place, which at the same time is a non-place – a space defying rational classification and understanding. The performance within develops and is generated by the decisions of the visitor, changing in every new passage – becoming whatever the person is bringing with him or her. All events are created live on-site and mutate constantly.
Good to have you here! You will find us.

Please sign up for your personal appointment on!
Please collect your booked ticket at the Box Office. Buying a ticket allows reentry.
Barrier-free access: The installation as such is not directly accessible with a wheel-chair. If you want to visit the performance please book a barrier-free appointment directly at tickets [at] (subject: Barrierefreier%20Zutritt) or +49 (0)621- 33939755.

Concept / performance: Jost von Harleßem / Hanke Wilsmann. Sound: Nana Melling. (c) Image: F.Wiesel.
A coproduction of zeitraumexit, F.Wiesel and the Hessian Theatre Academy. With kind support of Hochschulgesellschaft Gießen, Maria Isabel Hagen & Eleonora Herder and projekt.R e.K. – Visual Media.


Under the pseudonym F.Wiesel, HANKE WILSMANN and JOST VON HARLESSEM develop object theatre plays and installations. In their work, they explore fantastic worlds, alternative spaces and lost-and-found objects. Both study Applied Theatre Studies in Gießen. In 2013 they presented “Clarenville“ at Wunder der Prärie.