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Presentation of the book W(h)ither Identity: Positioning the Self and Transforming the Social
The anthology "W(h)ither Identity: Positioning the Self and Transforming the Social", published at the International Graduate Center for the Study of Culture at the Justus Liebig Universität Gießen, examines the mechanisms securing the continuity of hegemonic structures in society, which are based upon the difference between the foreign and one’s own identity, and which foster the empty neo-liberal discourse around equality, cultural difference and tolerance. This anthology questions traditional concepts of cultural identity, offers insights into strategies of dis-identification and explores ways of transforming established categories of identity.
Talk and Discussion will be in German!
Danae Gallo González and Johanna Fernández are graduating at the
Graduate Center for the Study of Culture (GCSC) of the Justus-Liebig-
University Giessen. They are coordinating the Research Area Cultural Identities together with Veronika Zink, who is also one of the publisher of
"W(h)ither Identity: Locating the Self and Transforming the Social".