Festival opening
On a special channel, a curious broadcast is found. It transmits news of a strange place: Clarenville. Clarenville has been lost some time or another and follows its own rules. Equipped with a surveillance camera, television-sets and an old record player, a conglomeration of found objects becomes a dense cosmos of pictures. The stories are the fantastic documents of a lost world.
Performance by Jost von Harleßem, Hanke Wilsmann.
Supported by the NATIONALES PERFORMANCE NETZ (NPN) Guest Performance Fund for Theatre, which is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media on the basis of a decision by the German Bundestag.
JOST VON HARLEßEM (DE) und HANKE WILSMANN (DE) study Applied Theater Studies in Gießen. They concentrate on space concepts and new narrative forms. They develop image machines with technical equipment, which focus on unusual and often absurd image worlds. Their work combines Science-Fiction and art history, illusion theatre and high-technology. At the moment they develop a travelling theatre of Dantes Alghieris' “Göttliche Komödie”.
Photo: Katharina Speckmann.