Screwing Bitches

Screwing Bitches (DE)
Thu 26. Sep / 1123 h / zeitraumexit
Admission free
Fri 27. Sep / 1123 h / zeitraumexit
Admission free
Sat 28. Sep / 1123 h / zeitraumexit
Admission free

Fixing Cars, fighting patriarchy, making videos! Female DIY and video collective Screwing Bitches exchange the web for the garage and open up the first feminist car workshop in town. For three days, women can learn from women how to repair their cars, create video tutorials and discuss their experiences in the male-dominated auto mechanic trade. There will also be an audio workshop and on closing night, the collective will rock the garage to the ground.

Attendance free for every her, with or without previous knowledge in motorcar engineering, video creation or sound generation.